The silentlambs march is fast approaching, I encourage one and all to get your hotel reservations and make your final travel arrangements. We have a listing of discount hotels if you need assistance.
No doubt everyone appreciates the rooming "arrangements" and all, but if individual silent lambs wish to stay at the Waldorf, for instance, instead of the officially approved accomodations, will they be viewed as disloyal to the Silent Lambs Borganization?
We are going to have a police escort all the way to the front door of 25 Columbia Heights . All permits have been obtained. Plan to be at Pierpopint Place and Columbia Heights at around on 1:30 PM on the 27 th of Septtember, 2002. We will proceed in an orderly fashion to 25 Columbia Heights
Let me guess who's going to be out in front like the Grand Pooh-Pah of some Shriner's parade. MISTER BILL get's top billing.
We will proceed in an orderly fashion to 25 Columbia Heights .
Yes, by all means, "let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
This march is not about anger, it is not about other issues you may be upset about, it is about protecting children and supporting abuse survivors. I prefer that all banners and posters support this theme.
It's not about anger? Are you now telling your cult followers how they must feel and what is appropriate for them to express? What a petty tyrant you have quickly become.
We are united for one cause. Some have stated they wish to express other agendas at the march, I feel this is not appropriate.
You's da boss man. Dumb lil silent lambs bedda do's what da boss tellz'em else they's gets abused some mo.
Dress however you wish, wear comfortable walking shoes, casual clothing will be fine
Are tattoos, nose rings, and purple dyed hair acceptable, Bill? Can Mike Musto wear his pink veil?
We will have t-shirts available when you get there.
How about those Silent Smurf dolls, will they be available too? Will you be accepting Master Card?
When we arrive at 25 Columbia Heights, we will first have a program in which abuse survivors will be asked to make a brief 60 second comment for whoever wants to speak. I will introduce different ones after the opening comments.
Are you going to time them with a stopwatch and ding them if they go 10 seconds over time and counsel them afterwards, Bill?
We will then request a meeting with the Governing Body as outlined in my June 2002 letter.
You will probably have to go up to the infirmary because that's where most of them live.
We will then conclude with closing comments by those who wish to speak and I will conclude the program.
Naturally. Will you be using an outline or manuscript?
Afterwards for those who can we would like to meet for dinner at a location nearby. This will be announced when we get there.
Oh boy, wholesome association and good food. Where did you come up with such unique ideas?
Will you miss it?
Yes Bill I will not be making the pilgramage. Your grandstanding is not something I can stomach. / You Know
Edited by - You Know on 19 August 2002 11:57:22